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S. Crosignani, C. Sedini, R. Calvani, E. Marzetti, M. Cesari

J Frailty Aging 2021;10(3)226-232

Detection of sarcopenia in primary care is a first and essential step in community-dwelling older adults before implementing preventive interventions against the onset of disabling conditions. In fact, leaving this condition undiagnosed and untreated can impact on the individual’s quality of life and function, as well as on healthcare costs. This article summarizes the many instruments today available for promoting an earlier and prompter detection of sarcopenia in primary care, combining insights about its clinical management. Primary care physicians may indeed play a crucial role in the identification of individuals exposed to the risk of sarcopenia or already presenting this condition. To confirm the suspected diagnosis, several possible techniques may be advocated, but it is important that strategies are specifically calibrated to the needs, priorities and resources of the setting where the evaluation is conducted. To tackle sarcopenia, nutritional counselling and physical activity programs are today the two main interventions to be proposed. Multicomponent and personalized exercise programs can (and should) be prescribed by primary care physicians, taking advantage of validated programs ad hoc designed for this purpose (e.g., the Vivifrail protocol). It is possible that, in the next future, new pharmacological treatments may become available for tackling the skeletal muscle decline. These will probably find application in those individuals non-responding to lifestyle interventions.

S. Crosignani ; C. Sedini ; R. Calvani ; E. Marzetti ; M. Cesari (2020): SARCOPENIA IN PRIMARY CARE: SCREENING, DIAGNOSIS, MANAGEMENT. The Journal of Frailty and Aging (JFA). http://dx.doi.org/10.14283/jfa.2020.63

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