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R.B. Silva, H. Aldoradin-Cabeza, G.D. Eslick, S. Phu, G. Duque

J Frailty Aging 2017;6(2):91-96

Physical exercise is one of the most effective non-pharmacological interventions aimed to improve mobility and independence in older persons. The effect of physical exercise and the most effective type of exercise in frail older persons remain undefined. This systematic review examines the effectiveness of physical exercise on frail older persons. Seven databases were search for randomized control trials which assessed the effect of exercise on participants who were identified as being frail using specific and validated criteria. Nine articles were reviewed from eight studies, from which seven used a validated definition of frailty. Based on the articles analyzed in our systematic review, the evidence suggests that exercise has a positive effect on various measures used to determine frailty including cognition, physical functioning, and psychological wellbeing. Some studies revealed that exercise may prevent or delay the onset of frailty which can enhance quality of life in older adults. Despite the evidence for exercise interventions in frail older adults, it appears that there is no clear guidance regarding the most effective program variables. The reviewed studies were generally long in duration (≥6 months) with sessions lasting around 60 minutes performed three or more times per week, including multicomponent exercises. In conclusion, although exercise interventions appear to be effective in managing the various components of frailty and preventing/delaying the onset of frailty, the most effective exercise program in this population remains unidentified.

R.B. Silva ; H. Aldoradin-Cabeza ; G.D. Eslick ; S. Phu ; G. Duque (2017): The Effect of Physical Exercise on Frail Older Persons: A Systematic Review. The Journal of Frailty and Aging (JFA). http://dx.doi.org/10.14283/jfa.2017.7

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