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V.M. Castañeda Morales, A.M. Jiménez Garduño, M. V. Escárcega, L.D. Sánchez Velázquez, I. Becerra Laparra

J Frailty Aging 2016;5(1):59-61

Chronic pain is defined as pain lasting longer than six weeks and is one of the main complaints in elderly subjects. Frailty is a pathological condition that increases an individual’s vulnerability by diminishing their homeostatic reserve, and it is considered a mortality risk factor. We examined the association between chronic pain and frailty in subjects who were recruited from a check-up clinic in Mexico City. Chronic pain and frailty were evaluated in 131 subjects through validated questionnaires. Descriptive and analytical statistics were performed. Of the participants, 41.9% presented with chronic pain, and 12.2% were frail. The unadjusted OR for the presence of frailty in subjects with chronic pain was 14.3 (95%CI 3.0-67.8), and the phi coefficient showed a weak positive correlation between the variables (φ=0.352, p<0.001). In conclusion, chronic pain is associated with a higher risk of frailty. Well-timed diagnosis and treatment of chronic pain can help prevent dependency in these individuals.

V.M. Castañeda Morales ; A.M. Jiménez Garduño ; M. V. Escárcega ; L.D. Sánchez Velázquez ; I. Becerra Laparra (2015): Association between chronic pain and frailty in Mexican elders. The Journal of Frailty and Aging (JFA). http://dx.doi.org/10.14283/jfa.2015.71

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