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K.N. Shah, Z. Majeed, H. Yang, J.J. Guido, T.N. Hilton, O. Polesskaya, W.J. Hall, A.E. Luque

J Frailty Aging 2015;4(1):41-46

Background: There is a significant increase in the number of HIV-infected older adults (HOA). This population may experience functional decline at a much younger age. Little is known about the relationship between functional limitations and systemic adipokines in HOA. Objective: Our study aimed to evaluate the relationship between functional limitations and systemic adipokine levels in HOA population. Design: Cross-sectional. Setting: Academic hospital-based infectious disease clinic. Participants: The study investigated community-dwelling HIV-infected adults >50 years old and compared this group with age, gender and BMI comparable healthy controls. Measurements: We measured functional status, body composition and plasma concentrations of adipokines. Results: Fifty-four HOA were studied (mean: age 57 years, BMI 29 kg/m2, CD4 604, duration of HIV 17 years) and compared with thirty-two age, gender and BMI comparable healthy controls. The HOA group showed significantly higher functional limitations compared to the age, gender and BMI comparable controls (p<0.05). Levels of adipokines were significantly different between the two groups (p<0.05). Multiple regression analyses indicated that adiponectin and visfatin were significantly correlated with several physical function measures after controlling for age, sex, and metabolic comorbidities. Adiponectin was negatively correlated with functional limitations, and this relationship was stronger in the control group compared to the HOA group. Conversely, visfatin was positively correlated with functional limitations only in the HOA group. Conclusion: HOA have significant functional limitations and alteration in adipokine levels compared to controls. Adiponectin and visfatin were associated with functional limitations. Visfatin was a correlate of physical function only in the HOA group. Prospective longitudinal studies could provide further insight on the role of adipokines in HIV-related functional decline.

K.N. Shah ; Z. Majeed ; H. Yang ; J.J. Guido ; T.N. Hilton ; O. Polesskaya ; W.J. Hall ; A.E. Luque (2015): FUNCTIONAL LIMITATIONS AND ADIPOKINES IN HIV-INFECTED OLDER ADULTS. The Journal of Frailty and Aging (JFA). http://dx.doi.org/10.14283/jfa.2015.39

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